On my second trimester, I’m starting to look pregnant and people beginning to notice my pregnancy. This week is a treat for a new hairstyle a new clothes to show up my new curve, being pregnant has a lot of changes physically yet still I want to look good. This was the time I enjoy and have fun being a soon to be mom. Some of the discomforts apparently gone and I feel better. Seeing my doctor monthly makes me aware of what’s happening inside me. This was also the time wherein we finally discover the gender of our baby. We’re so happy knowing that our first born is baby boy. We had lots of choice for the name. My husband and I finally pick a perfect name for our little angel. Baby Francisco Jace with the nickname “CISCO” or “JACE”.

Enjoying the temporary new me and I'm loving my new curve.
They are beginning to notice my pregnancy, they say this is the most fun. let's see... I'm havin some treats at the salon.

Ultra-sound for the gender.. obviously it's a baby Boy. yey! 100% baby boy.

Mommy and Daddy goes swimming.! Enjoying our time together as a soon to be parents.