This is N.M. my first UGLY DOLL creation

I saw these ugly dolls and starting to like them. However they are quite expensive, so I thought why not make one.
1.Create a basic shape of the doll figure you want on a piece of paper. Find some fabric. You can use your old sweat shirt.
2.Sketch the doll on a piece of paper about the size of the doll you would like. The finished result will end up being slightly smaller than your pattern.
The larger ones are easier to do. This is because of the details such as arms, legs and eyes. A good size is a regular sheet of paper (8 1/2 x 11) but bigger is good too (tape two sheets together on the long edge).
3.You can search google for the images you like to create then Sketch it out. The doll really needs to be symmetrical about the vertical centerline, so you can sketch half and fold the paper in half and cut out a paper doll pattern. Fold your fabric so you can cut both the front and back at the same time.
4.Place the paperdoll on the fabric. You will cut around the paperdoll leaving more than an inch (the amount is not critical because we will sew the pattern precisely in the next step).
5.You do not have to cut the details of the arms and legs so the pieces after you make this cut will not look like the doll.
6.After you have made the rough cut, take the piece that will be the front, and sew on the eyes (use the original picture of the doll you like for inspiration and basic location). Sew the mouth and teeth. You can use any white fabric. The mouth is often just black straight stitching.
7.After the face is on, put the front and back together with the RIGHT sides together inside (you will see the backside stitching of the face). Pin the pattern on. Sew very close to the paperdoll pattern edges, leaving a small gap unsewn for inverting the doll and stuffing. This sewing step will give you the detail for arms, head bumps, legs, etc...
8.After you are done with the sewing, trim the fabric to ~ 1/4" from the outside of the stitches. After you get the doll inside out, stuff it with polyester (or old socks for that matter) and sew up the seam that you left open.
You just made an ugly doll!

My personal UGLY DOLLS collection